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In-depth Guide from Yoimiya Mains + KQM
Thundering Pulse
Amos' Bow
Skyward Harp
Prototype Crescent
Crimson Witch of Flames(2) + 18% ATK set(2)*
Shimenawa's Reminiscence(4)
Crimson Witch of Flames(4)*
Lavawalker's Epiphany(4)*
Main Stats
Sub Stat Priority
Talent Priority
Sands - ATK %
Goblet - Pyro DMG
Circlet - Crit Rate / DMG
Crit Rate / DMG
Elemental Mastery
Energy Recharge
Flat Attack
Normal Attack
Regarding Weapon Choices: Rust: On higher refinements, Rust can be a better option than R1 Amos' Bow and Skyward Harp. Hamayumi: If you're using Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4), this weapon doesn't synergize well with that artifact set due to its passive. Generally, just use Prototype Crescent over this weapon. Regarding Artifacts: Crimson Witch of Flames(2) +18% ATK set (2): The best generalist set on Yoimiya. This set is considered better than Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4) due to Yoimiya's optimal combo which involves using Q before E, as detailed in xandy#7124's sheet. Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4) offers more personal damage on Yoimiya but it sacrifices her Elemental Burst uptime which translates to lower overall team DPS due to not being able to fully benefit from her Ascension 4 passive. Crimson Witch of Flames (4): The go-to artifact set for Vaporize-focused Pyro carries, excels over the other options especially on a reaction-focused team comp. Lavawalker's Ephiphany (4): Viable option on a mono Pyro team comp where Yoimiya can have 100% uptime on the artifact passive. Regarding Talent Priorities: Elemental Skill scales very poorly which is why it is the least priority. If you do not care about her Elemental Burst damage output, you can prioritize Elemental Skill over Elemental Burst, but Normal Attack talent still has the most priority since it's the main source of Yoimiya's damage.
Hu Tao
Staff of Homa
Dragon's Bane
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear*
Blackcliff Pole
Vortex Vanquisher
White Tassel*
SDkyward Spine
Lithic Spear(2 stacks)
Crimson Witch of Flames(4)
Shimenawa's Reminiscence(4)*
Crimson Witch of Flames(2) / Wanderer's Troupe (2) / Tenacity of the Millelith (2)
Retracing Bolide(4)*
Main Stats
Sub Stat Priority
Talent Priority
Sands - HP% / Elemental Mastery Goblet - Pyro DMG Circlet - Crit Rate / DMG
Crit Rate / DMG
Elemental Mastery
Energy Recharge
If you have less than 100EM total (including from Sucrose EM share, 4pc Instructors, etc) EM substat take priority over CR/CDMG.
Normal Attack
Hu Tao is most effective when used with Xingqiu to proc Vaporize/Freeze Melt reactions which utilize her BiS Set, Crimson Witch of Flames (4). Freeze Melt refers to freezing enemies for Melt set up since, unlike Diluc or Klee, Hu Tao doesn't shatter frozen enemies.
Regarding Weapon Choices: Primordial Jade Winged-Spear: Instead of spending time stacking and maintaining your weapon passive, you can start off with full damage potential on Dragon's Bane for Vaporize Nuke/DPS which gives faster clear times in realistic situations. Deathmatch: Deathmatch is better than Dragon's Bane when you're not doing Vaporize. Blackcliff Pole: Despite seeming quite good due to the Crit DMG substat, Blackcliff performs only slightly better than an R5 White Tassel in practice as it is difficult to maintain stacks consistently. It is not recommended to buy this weapon specifically for Hu Tao and should only be used if you already have one. Vortex Vanquisher and Skyward Spine: Provides little to nothing to Hu Tao since she scales better with HP% than ATK% with every spear in the game. Base attack makes little difference on Hu Tao because she has a very high HP to ATK conversion cap. White Tassel: White Tassel requires your combos to be more focused on Normal Attacks (N2C over N1C) to make use of its passive.
Regarding Artifact Sets: Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4): Provides higher AA damage than 4CW but lowers your Elemental Burst damage which hurts your AoE damage, also if you're unable to burst, it might cause survivability issues if you're not running a healer. Ability Tips When ending Hu Tao's combos with an Elemental Burst, if you do not jump/dash cancel the last charged attack, the Elemental Burst will still benefit from Hu Tao's Elemental Skill.
It is recommended to use cancels when performing your Hu Tao combos to maximize damage. N2CJ for C0 and N2CD for C1. N3CJ/N3CD can be used to conserve stamina at the cost of damage.
*N = Normal attack, C = Charged attack, J = Jump, D = Dash
In-depth Guide from Klee Mains + KQM
Skyward Atlas ~= Memory of Dust
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
Dodoco Tales R5
Solar Pearl
The Widsith
Blackcliff Agate
Mappa Mare
Magic Guide
Crimson Witch of Flames (2) + 18% ATK set (2)
Lavawalker's Epiphany (4)*
Crimson Witch of Flames (4)*
Crimson Witch of Flames (2) / Noblesse Oblige (2)
Wanderer's Troupe (4)*
Main Stats
Sub Stat Priority
Talent Priority
Sands - ATK %
Goblet - Pyro DMG
Circlet - Crit Rate / DMG
Crit Rate / DMG
Elemental Mastery
Energy Recharge
Flat ATK
Normal Attack
Extremely squishy, Klee requires great positioning. Being tiny, this is hard to achieve. Constant jumping during your Charged Attacks can help. Regarding Weapon Choice: Dodoco Tales: On equal refinements, Widsith and Solar Pearl are better than Dodoco Tales, but when assuming R5 Dodoco Tales vs R1-R3 Widsith/Pearl, Dodoco Tales is better. Note that Bennett buff / Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer's buff + Noblesse Oblige (4) buff may push Widsith and Solar Pearl above Dodoco Tales, even at low refinements. Regarding Artifact Sets: Lavawalker's Ephiphany (4): Klee's kit makes it harder to utilize Vaporize and Melt the same way another pyro carry would, but her constant pyro application makes Lavawalkers a viable set. See KleefulFrame's great number breakdown here Crimson Witch of Flames (4): This set is best used on a Vaporize Klee, but do note that due to Klee's fast Pyro application from all of her kits, she may not be able to vape most of her Normal/ Charged Attacks. Wanderer's Troupe (4): Wanderer's Troupe increases the Charged Attack by another 35% Damage Bonus. It can serve as a decent DPS choice but due to how clunky Klee's attack animations are, it's hard to put this in actual practice as it requires you to dodge more and consume more stamina, not to mention how the DPS gets caught up by the other builds mentioned above.
Ability Tip
Klee's Attacks have a 50% chance of spawning a floating star. Floating star removes the stamina cost for the next Charged Attack and increases 50% of its damage.
Wolf's Gravestone
The Unforged
Serpent Spine*
Song of Broken Pines
Skyward Pride
Blackcliff Slasher
Lithic Blade (1 stack)
Luxurious Sea-Lord
Prototype Archaic
Debate Club
Crimson Witch of Flames (4)*
Crimson Witch of Flames (2) + 18% ATK set (2) / Wanderer's Troupe (2)
Gladiator's Finale (4)*
+ 18% ATK set (2) / Martial Artist (2)
Main Stats
Sub Stat Priority
Talent Priority
Sands - ATK % / Elemental Mastery
Goblet - Pyro DMG
Circlet - Crit Rate / DMG
Crit Rate / DMG
Elemental Mastery (higher prio in vape/melt comps)
Energy Recharge
Normal Attack
*Worth noting that Diluc's cons boost his Elemental skill's DMG, so talent prioritization can vary from player to player
Notes Regarding Weapon Choices: Serpent Spine: Because Diluc's [C2] requires you to get hit to gain the ATK buff, it can potentially lead to a damage loss due to losing Serpent Spine stacks. However, when paired with Zhongli, the shield allows you to gain the [C2] buff while not losing any stacks - running Zhongli with [C2] Diluc is highly recommended. Rainslasher: For obvious reasons, this weapon is only recommended when Diluc is in a team comp where he can consistently proc vaporize (i.e. when paired with Xingqiu). Rainslasher will also outperform Blackcliff Slasher at [R3+].
Regarding Artifact Sets: Crimson Witch of Flames (4): Generally the best go-to set for Diluc due to how easily Diluc can stack the Pyro Damage effect, while his burst imbues his Normal/Charged Attacks with Pyro. Gladiator's Finale (4): For those who are still reluctant on farming for Crimson Witch of Flames (Pre-AR 45), this will still provide it a fairly decent increase in DPS as he still relies on his Normal/Charged Attacks mostly.
Regarding Main Stats Choice: If Diluc is run alongside Xingqiu where he can trigger vaporize very often, you can run EM sands as an alternative to ATK sands. EM boosts Diluc's reaction damage by a lot after all. Note that when Diluc's Pyro imbued basic attack is active, he can trigger Vaporize every 2 basic attacks due to internal cooldown.
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