Floor 11 (v2.8)


General Tips

Avoid using Freeze based teams on Side 1.

Keep in mind that Chamber 3 Side 1 has a Thunder Manifestation. If you have DPS characters that can work at a range, these will be more effective than melee.

Team Recommendations

Side 1Side 2


Preferred DPS Elements

Avoid DPS Elements



Chamber 1

Monster Level - 88

Side 1

In Depth GuideOther Info

Mob priority

  • In the first wave, target the Small Cryo Slimes first as they go for the monlith and go down easily.

  • Move away from the monolith and finish off the Large Cryo Slimes.

  • In the next wave, one pair of Cryo/Hydro specters will target the monolith (They spawn across the monolith from where you start if you remember that position). Focus these first.

  • The other 2 specters will move towards you.

  • Once the shields are down, they will be easily stunned/staggered so be aggressive and attack them.

Side 2

Mob Priority

  • In each wave, target the Melee Treasure Hoarder first, as they are the ones that go for the monolith. Try to intercept them before they reach the monolith, or you might take splash damage from potioneers.

  • Clean up the ranged mobs after and make sure to move away from the monolith.

Freeze based teams will also be effective since the melee enemies naturally cluster together, so you can easily keep them frozen and prevent them attacking the monolith.

Chamber 2

Monster Level - 90

Side 1

The two Bathysmal Vishap Hatchlings will always begin with a swim attack and will come to you. You can stay where you are to save stamina and prep your attacks rather than chasing them down.

Side 2

Venti is extremely effective here as he is able to pull enemies and permanently lock the enemies in the second wave in his burst.

Freeze teams are also effective here to prevent Fatui from shielding, although you will want to find a way to group them together.

Aim for the Hydrogunner in the first wave to stop the healing.

In the second wave, try to group all the enemies first. If you can't, then aim for the Cryo Cicin Mage first before she shields and summons flies. This prevents her from teleporting and lets you lock her down immediately with attacks.

Chamber 3

Monster Level - 92

Side 1

In Depth GuideOther Info

Ranged characters work best here to give you more windows to do damage.

Use strong single target DPS characters if possible.

Bringing a strong shield unit will help you tank some of the annoying attacks and give you more windows for damage. Consider this particularly if you are using a melee character.

Budget about 2 minutes for this half, as Side 2 is much easier.

For more general tips about this boss, see the Thunder Manifestationin depth guide.

Side 2

Watch out for Ice Cage if you're not able to down the Cryo Abyss Mage quick enough.

Last updated