Floor 6


  • Using an** Elemental Burst** increases all party members' **ATK **and DEF by 6%. Max 10 stacks. At 5 stacks and above, increases character Normal Attack SPD and Movement SPD by an additional 30%

General Tips

Characters with low cooldown/energy bursts excel on this floor as supports.

Outfitting these chars with 4pc Exile is a great way to provide energy to let you spam their bursts and reach 5 stacks as quickly as possible.

Team Recommendations

Side 1
Side 2


Preferred DPS Elements

Avoid DPS Elements



Chamber 1

Monster Level - 60

Side 1

**Whopperflowers **become stunned if you break their shields. They take more damage while stunned, so make sure to focus them when this happens.

Fighting near the **archers **can help group enemies together.

Side 2


**Whopperflowers **become stunned if you break their shields. They take more damage while stunned, so make sure to focus them when this happens.

**Samachurls **can be annoying to deal with, so focus them first when they spawn.

Chamber 2

Monster Level - 60

Side 1

Fight near ranged units to group enemies easier.

Focus Hydro **Samachurls **when they spawn, as they can heal other enemies.

Side 2


Smoldering Flame

Fight near ranged units to group enemies easier.

Focus **Samachurls **when they spawn, as they can be annoying to deal with.

Chamber 3

Monster Level - 60

Side 1

Focus the Geo Samachurl immediately so that it doesn't get a chance to spawn it's pillar.

Side 2



Smoldering Flame

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Last updated