Floor 10


When Spread or Aggravate reactions are triggered on opponents, DMG done by these reactions will be increased by 75%.

General Tips

Team Recommendations

Side 1Side 2


Preferred DPS Elements

Avoid DPS Elements



Chamber 1

Monster Level - 80

Side 1

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The Dendro mushrooms like to attack from range. Go to wards them first and the other enemies should naturally follow.

Side 2

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Fighting close to a wall will make it easier to keep the Vishaps grouped together.

Chamber 2

Monster Level - 82

Side 1

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Eremite Crossbow

You can also group the enemies by running directly forward past the samurai at the start, letting the Eremite Crossbows move together.

Remember to try and kill the two Kairagis at the same time if possible, otherwise they will heal.

Side 2

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Thunderhelm Lawachurl > Engulfing Storm (Debuffs)

If you lack damage, go for the Electro Abyss mage first as it has less HP and you won't have to deal with two Auras at the same time.

If your team is well invested however, go for the Lawachurl first as it is much tankier, and start doing damage. The Abyss mage will teleport to you.

Chamber 3

Monster Level - 84

Side 1

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Eremite Desert Clearwater > Mist Bubble

Eremite Sunfrost

Eremite Daythunder

Go for the Hydrogunner first to prevent it from healing and also so you don't have to deal with shields.

Next, aim for the Pyroslinger and try to kill it before he shields as well.

The Eremite elites will power up when they reach half HP, so avoid doing too much damage to them as you're finishing off the Fatui if you have a hard time with their attacks.

Side 2

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Mirror Maiden > Slowing Waters (Debuffs)

Run directly towards the Mirror Maiden to start and let the Cicin mages come to you.

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