Floor 11 (v3.0)


General Tips

Team Recommendations

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Preferred DPS Elements

Avoid DPS Elements



Chamber 1

Monster Level - 88

Side 1

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Eremite Sunbreaker

Attack order

  • Go for the melee Crushers first, as they do more damage to the monolith

  • Next, go for the Potioneers

  • Aim for the Eremite last

  • Next wave, go for the melee Crushers first again

  • Move away from the monolith and clean up the rest of the enemies

  • Go for the Eremite Crossbows first as they are weaker

  • Next, focus on the Sunbreaker. If you do enough damage, it should draw aggro away from the monolith

  • Clean up any remaining enemies

The Eremite Sunbreaker in the last wave can be quite strong. Try to save some bursts so you can quickly get rid of it.

Side 2

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Attack order

  • Go for the two Axe Mitachurls first

  • Move away from the monolith and go for the remaining Mitachurl

  • Stay far away from the monolith and deal with the Lawachurl

Chamber 2

Monster Level - 90

Side 1

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Make sure you have something that can hit the Raptor Mimics that fly in the air.

Side 2

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Characters with shields are helpful as they can interrupt the rolling attack and briefly disable the Geovishaps.

Chamber 3

Monster Level - 92

Side 1

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Pyroslinger > Smoldering Flame (Debuffs)

Eremite Desert Clearwater

Eremite Daythunder

Aim for the enemies with the Aura effects first.

Side 2

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The Regisvine has greatly increased resistances until the core is broken. Focus on doing that first.

The Core will always start in the Corolla (head) first, so you may want to bring a Bow character in order to break it more consistently.

Check the Electro Regisvine for in-depth tips.

Last updated